The Untold Underground
There is a seam in the Burdekin community where ancestry, experience, memory and everyday moments meet in unexpected ways.
Where the grit and rich flow to create texture and storylines unlike anywhere else in world.
These intimate stories have always been told through a secret auditory underground. The bold and remarkable stories of indigenous and immigrant life are spoken with historic respect and proud reflection.
What’s your Burdekin story of family origin, meaning or culture? Or perhaps you have a tale of romance, of adventure, an anecdotal yarn.
Mal Mal – A tale of the Mercurial River
The Burdekin landscape, with its variable topography has had a profound impact on local identity.
Creative Tales
The Burdekin continues to play tricks to this day, keeping its beauty and creative tales well hidden beneath the surface.
The Tax Shack
A tale of five 14 year olds who took themselves to night TAFE to learn how to weld so they could build the ultimate hang out space. Away from prying parent eyes and complete with river views.
The Chameleon Dresser
How a tightly tailored mother, with not a frill, puff or gather ever in sight influenced her daughter to stubbornly keep her hemline high into her 50s.
The Rum Jungle
We love a good pub yarn; even better if it is about a bootleg operation. Throw in a dog that has a taste for freshly cooked corned beef and we are intrigued.
Colourful Florals
A tale of women in their Sunday best, dressed in floral frocks working the tobacco fields.
Never Smile at a Crocodile
A story of peaceful afternoon walks, a lost family heirloom and a stalker.